What does MAAC mean? What is the full form of MAAC?

The full form of MAAC is Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics.

Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics (MAAC) is the media & entertainment education brand of Aptech Ltd., a global learning solutions provider that commenced its education and training business in 1986.

MAAC operates through a network of centres worldwide, and has prepared lakhs of students for jobs in the media & entertainment industry. The Academy provides quality education in animation, visual effects, gaming, filmmaking, multimedia, web design, graphic design, and more through job-oriented courses. MAAC courses are thoughtfully designed by experienced faculty to provide student thorough insights about the dynamics of the multimedia and animation industry. Students at MAAC get the opportunity to work in a studio-like environment, practice on industry-specific software, attend course-specific workshops and participate in studio visits.

Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics (MAAC) is India’s leading Education brand of Aptech in high-end 3D Animation and Visual Effects Founded in 2001, MAAC has trained over 30000 students across the country. It has over 85 centers with cutting edge infrastructure in over 40 cities. MAAC has been awarded more than 132 awards in different category and more than 5831 movies have been made by the MAAC students.



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Do you want to know What does MAAC mean? What is the full form of MAAC?. Are you looking for What does MAAC mean? What is the full form of MAAC? What is MAAC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of MAAC. The Full Form of MAAC is‍ Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics
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