What does MOA mean? What is the full form of MOA?

The Full Form of MOA is‍ Memorandum of Association.

A Memorandum of Association (MOA) is a legal document prepared in the formation and registration process of a limited liability company to define its relationship with shareholders. The MOA is accessible to the public and describes the company’s name, physical address of registered office, names of shareholders and the distribution of shares. The MOA and the Articles of Association serve as the constitution of the company. The MOA is not applied in the U.S. but is a legal requirement for limited liability companies in European countries including the United Kingdom, France and Netherlands, as well as some Commonwealth nations.

The name clause requires you to state the legal and recognized name of the company. You are allowed to register a company name only if it does not bear any similarities with the name of an existing company. Your company name must end with the word “limited” because the preparation of an MOA is a legal requirement for limited liability companies only.

The registered office clause requires you to show the physical location of the registered office of the company. You are required to keep all the company registers in this office in addition to using the office in handling all the outgoing and incoming communication correspondence. You must establish a registered office prior to commencing business activities.

The objective clause requires you to summarize the main objectives for establishing the company with reference to the requirements for shareholding and use of financial resources. You also need to state ancillary objectives; that is, those objectives that are required to facilitate the achievement of the main objectives. The objectives should be free of any provisions or declarations that contravene laws or public good.



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Do you want to know What does MOA mean? What is the full form of MOA?. Are you looking for What does MOA mean? What is the full form of MOA? What is MOA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of MOA. The Full Form of MOA is‍ Memorandum of Association
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