What does NISSAT mean? What is the full form of NISSAT?

The Full Form of NISSAT is National Information System for Science & Technology.

National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT): The increasing role of science and technology in the economic and social development of the country generated a pressing demand for faster technology transfer to the industries. In fact information centres serving the needs of different industries and Research & Development units, were therefore required to be coordinated and organized into an integrated system to avoid a haphazard growth and duplication of activities and to conform to national and international standards. In order to meet this requirement the National Information System for Science & Technology (NISSAT) was launched in 1977. In tune with the changing global scenario and in pursuance of the national efforts in liberalization and globalization of the economy, NISSAT reoriented its programme activities continually in order to be useful to a wider base of clientele in diverse subjects. Besides establishing the internal linkages between the information industry, its promoters and users, NISSAT also made efforts to establish a bridge between information resource developers and users in India and other countries.



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Do you want to know What does NISSAT mean? What is the full form of NISSAT?. Are you looking for What does NISSAT mean? What is the full form of NISSAT? What is NISSAT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NISSAT. The Full Form of NISSAT is‍ National Information System for Science & Technology
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