What does NOF mean? What is the full form of NOF?

The Full Form of NOF is‍ Non-Ossifying Fibroma.

A non-ossifying fibroma is a benign (non-cancerous), non-aggressive tumor that consists mainly of fibrous tissue. It usually occurs in the thighbone or shinbone but may also occur in the upper extremities.

  • A non-ossifying fibroma usually produces no symptoms.
  • It usually resolves by itself.
  • It never spreads.
  • Its cause is unknown.
  • It’s often discovered by chance on an X-ray.
  • Surgery is only necessary of it causes a fracture or weakens the bone.



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Do you want to know What does NOF mean? What is the full form of NOF?. Are you looking for What does NOF mean? What is the full form of NOF? What is NOF stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NOF. The Full Form of NOF is‍ Non-Ossifying Fibroma
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What does NOF mean? What is the full form of NOF?
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