What does OCES mean? What is the full form of OCES?

The Full Form of OCES is‍ Orientation Course for Engineering Graduates and Science Postgraduates.

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) will open its window for Orientation Course for Engineering Graduates and Science Post Graduates (OCES) and DAE Graduate Fellowship Scheme (DGFS) from January 23 and interested candidates can apply for the courses through oficial BARC online exam website. Orientation Course for Engineering Graduates and Science is the flagship program of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Training Schools for Engineering Graduates and Science Postgraduates.

Orientation Course for Engineering Graduates and Science (OCES)

This program is recognized for the award of Post-Graduate Diploma and as course work for the award of M.Tech./M.Phil./Ph.D. degree of the HomiBhabha National Institute (HBNI), which is an aided institution of the Department of Atomic Energy and a Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the UGC Act. According to the official numbers, more than 9000 officers have graduated from the BARC Training Schools since their inception.

DAE Graduate Fellowship Scheme (DGFS)

This programme is for those young professionals who want to start their career after gaining an advanced degree. To attract such individuals, the course information from the official website says that DGFS was initiated for inducting engineers at M.Tech./M.Chem.Engg. level in collaboration with  eight IITs viz. Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras,  Roorkee, BHU-Varanasi and also NIT-Rourkela and ICT-Mumbai. The scheme also strengthens the research-education linkage with premier institutes of the country in areas of interest to DAE. The M. Tech. project work is carried out under the supervision of two guides, one from IIT and the other from DAE. The topics for M.Tech./M.Chem.Engg. projects are proposed by the DAE guides keeping in view the requirements of DAE and the M.Tech./M.Chem.Engg. specialization of the concerned DGFS Fellow.



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Do you want to know What does OCES mean? What is the full form of OCES?. Are you looking for What does OCES mean? What is the full form of OCES? What is OCES stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of OCES. The Full Form of OCES is‍ Orientation Course for Engineering Graduates and Science Postgraduates
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