What does ONTD mean? What is the full form of ONTD?

The full form of ONTD is Oh No They Didn’t
The acronym “ONTD” is used to represent the phrase “Oh No They Didn’t” which is the title of largest online celebrity blog that can be found on LiveJounral. The blog discusses celebrity gossip, news, shares pictures and posts from other celebrity blogs around the web, and occasionally offers a celebrity feature.

Origin of ONTD
The blog site was created in 2004 by three teenagers by the names of Eric Lang, Breniecia Reuben, and Bri Draffen. In 2009, ownership passed into the hands of the moderators that currently monitor the site whose names are Elizabeth Carter and Brenden Delzer.

Example Conversations
A text conversation between two friends.

Friend 1: I am addicted to ONTD!
Friend 2: Me too! I have to read it every morning while I am getting ready for school!
Friend 1: Same here! My day is not complete without it.



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Do you want to know What does ONTD mean? What is the full form of ONTD?. Are you looking for What does ONTD mean? What is the full form of ONTD? What is ONTD stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ONTD. The Full Form of ONTD is‍ Oh No They Didn’t
You also might want to know: how to pronounce ONTD, how to pronounce Oh No They Didn’t,
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What does ONTD mean? What is the full form of ONTD?
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