What does PDCC mean? What is the full form of PDCC?

The Full Form of PDCC is Post-doctoral Certificate Courses.

Post Doctoral certificate is awarded to an individual with a Doctorate degree, i.e. Ph.D., MD, DDS or any equivalent Doctorate degree who is enrolled in a short-term period of training in research and/or scholarly training to acquire professional skills which are needed to start or pursue a career of the students choice.  

The eligibility criteria for the enrolment for a Post Doctoral certificate is that the student needs to have a Doctorate degree in the given or required field that the student opts for during his/her Post Doctoral certificate training.

The students having Post Doctoral certificates can opt for jobs in research in different areas and fields. Depending upon the field and specialization in a Doctoral degree, the student can pursue his/her Post Doctoral certificate in the same field and get a job in the same related field.

There are many areas of studies where a Doctorate can pursue his/her Post Doctoral certificate. Some of them are Adult and Child AssessmentPersonality TheoriesPsychology Moral and EthicsPsychotherapy, Personality Theories etc.

The postdoctoral certificate is awarded to the students after completing their Doctorate degree when they are trained professionally in research or Scholarly (teaching).  



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