What does QPSK mean? What is the full form of QPSK?

The Full Form of QPSK is‍ Quadrature Phase Shift Keying.

The Quadrature Phase Shift Keying QPSKQPSK is a variation of BPSK, and it is also a Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier DSBSCDSBSC modulation scheme, which sends two bits of digital information at a time, called as bigits.

Instead of the conversion of digital bits into a series of digital stream, it converts them into bit pairs. This decreases the data bit rate to half, which allows space for the other users.

The QPSK Modulator uses a bit-splitter, two multipliers with local oscillator, a 2-bit serial to parallel converter, and a summer circuit. Following is the block diagram for the same.

At the modulator’s input, the message signal’s even bits (i.e., 2nd bit, 4th bit, 6th bit, etc.) and odd bits (i.e., 1st bit, 3rd bit, 5th bit, etc.) are separated by the bits splitter and are multiplied with the same carrier to generate odd BPSK (called as PSKI) and even BPSK (called as PSKQ). The PSKQ signal is anyhow phase shifted by 90° before being modulated.

The QPSK waveform for two-bits input is as follows, which shows the modulated result for different instances of binary inputs.



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Do you want to know What does QPSK mean? What is the full form of QPSK?. Are you looking for What does QPSK mean? What is the full form of QPSK? What is QPSK stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of QPSK. The Full Form of QPSK is‍ Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
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