What does RFF mean? What is the full form of RFF?

The Full Form of RFF is Réseau Ferré de France.

Réseau ferré de France (RFF, French: French Rail Network) was a French company which owned and maintained the French national railway network from 1997 to 2014. The company was formed with the rail assets of SNCF in 1997. Afterwards, the trains were operated by the SNCF, the national railway company, but due to European Union Directive 91/440, the Government of France was required to separate train operations from the railway infrastructure. On 1 January 2015, RFF became SNCF Réseau, the operational assets of SNCF became SNCF Mobilités, and both groups were placed under the control of SNCF.

Unlike other infrastructure managers, RFF did not provide maintenance services or rail traffic control operations, which were both done by SNCF Infra on RFF’s behalf. Furthermore, SNCF retained the ownership of stations. In September 2013, RFF had over €32 billion of debt.



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Do you want to know What does RFF mean? What is the full form of RFF?. Are you looking for What does RFF mean? What is the full form of RFF? What is RFF stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of RFF. The Full Form of RFF is‍ Réseau Ferré de France
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