What does STTP mean? What is the full form of STTP?

The Full Form of STTP is Secure Token Transfer Protocol.

The Secure Token Transfer Protocol (STTP) provides the means for two entities to exchange a set of tokens that is needed to perform a certain task such as authentication. The exact context of the tokens and their further usage is outside the scope of the protocol. STTP is intended to be employed to in case a mechanism to securely transfer tokens is missing for a particular scenario or context within other protocols.



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Do you want to know What does STTP mean? What is the full form of STTP?. Are you looking for What does STTP mean? What is the full form of STTP? What is STTP stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of STTP. The Full Form of STTP is‍ Secure Token Transfer Protocol
You also might want to know: how to pronounce STTP, how to pronounce Secure Token Transfer Protocol,
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What does STTP mean? What is the full form of STTP?
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