What does TDSAT mean? What is the full form of TDSAT?

The Full Form TDSAT is Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal.

In order to bring in functional clarity and strengthen the regulatory framework and the disputes settlement mechanism in the telecommunication sector, the TRAI Act of 1997 was amended in the year 2000 and TDSAT was set up to adjudicate disputes and dispose of appeals with a view to protect the interests of service providers and consumers of the telecom sector.

In January 2004, the Government included broadcasting and cable services also within the purview of TRAI Act. The jurisdiction of TDSAT stands extended to matters that lay before the Cyber Appellate Tribunal and also the Airport Economic Regulatory Authority Appellate Tribunal.

The Tribunal consists of a Chairperson and two Members appointed by the Central Government.

  • The Chairperson should be or should have been a Judge of the Supreme Court or the Chief Justice of a High Court.
  • Member should have held the post of Secretary to the Government of India or any equivalent post in the Central Government or the State Government for a period of not less than two years or a person who is well versed in the field of technology, telecommunication, industry, commerce or administration.

Powers and Jurisdiction:

  • The Tribunal exercises jurisdiction over Telecom, Broadcasting, IT and Airport tariff matters under the TRAI Act, 1997 (as amended), the Information Technology Act, 2008 and the Airport Economic Regulatory Authority of India Act, 2008.
  • The Tribunal exercises original as well as appellate jurisdiction in regard to Telecom, Broadcasting and Airport tariff matters. In regard to Cyber matters the Tribunal exercises only the appellate jurisdiction.



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Do you want to know What does TDSAT mean? What is the full form of TDSAT?. Are you looking for What does TDSAT mean? What is the full form of TDSAT? What is TDSAT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TDSAT. The Full Form of TDSAT is‍ Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal
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