What does TGIT mean? What is the full form of TGIT?

The Full Form of TGIT is Thank God It’s Thursday.

This fall, Thursday nights on ABC will be unlike any other on television thanks to three edge-of-your-seat dramas delivered by one creative force: Shonda Rhimes. Hodder was commissioned to craft a half-hour special for affiliates to promote this exciting evening of television. For the first time ever, the three leading ladies of Thursday night – Ellen Pompeo, Kerry Washington, and Viola Davis – sat down with Shonda to discuss what makes Shondaland so popular. The special intimately connected viewers to Shonda and these amazing actors, and got them excited to watch AND to become active members of the Thursday night club on ABC.



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Do you want to know What does TGIT mean? What is the full form of TGIT?. Are you looking for What does TGIT mean? What is the full form of TGIT? What is TGIT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TGIT. The Full Form of TGIT is‍ Thank God It’s Thursday
You also might want to know: how to pronounce TGIT, how to pronounce Thank God It’s Thursday,
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What does TGIT mean? What is the full form of TGIT?
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