What does TRUST mean? What is the full form of TRUST?

The Full Form of TRUST is‍ Tobacco Reduction Using the Settlement.

Led by Mississippi Attorney General Mike Moore, attorneys general from a number of states announced a settlement reached with the tobacco industry.

The settlement created a trust fund to pay for medical costs resulting from tobacco addiction and ended the suits by several states and individuals for payment of such medical costs. The settlement also prohibited class action law suits against tobacco companies in the future.



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Do you want to know What does TRUST mean? What is the full form of TRUST?. Are you looking for What does TRUST mean? What is the full form of TRUST? What is TRUST stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TRUST. The Full Form of TRUST is‍ Tobacco Reduction Using the Settlement
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What does TRUST mean? What is the full form of TRUST?
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