What does VSOP mean? What is the full form of VSOP?

The full form of VSOP is Very Superior Old Pale. It’s used on Society & Culture ,Food & Drink in Worldwide

Very Superior Old Pale (VSOP) is a label on cognac which can mean “reserve” or “very superior old pale,” that denotes a high-quality blend of young brandy. This younger blend is made and then aged for a minimum of four years in wooden barrels before blending. When the eau-de-vie (young brandy) is blended this earns the name VSOP but the quality of the brandy depends on how long it is aged after blending, which can vary from 8-15 years.

Other Acronyms:

Acronym Definition
VSOP Very Superior Old Pale (cognac)
VSOP Valued Sum of Products
VSOP Very Special Old Pale (cognac; less common)
VSOP VLBI Space Observatory Program
VSOP Very Small Outline Package
VSOP Vienna Symphonic Orchestra Project
VSOP Very Special Original Product
VSOP Very Special Old Product (Cognac)
VSOP Versez Sans Oublier Personne (French: Pour Without Forgetting Anyone)
VSOP Vereniging Samenwerkende Ouder- en Patiënten Organisaties betrokken bij Erfelijke en/of aangeboren aandoeningen (Dutch Parents and Patients Organisation of Genetic Support Groups)
VSOP Vöðvamikið, Sérvalið Og Prýðisgott (Iceland)
VSOP Very Stupid Old Person
VSOP Visible Signs of Progress



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Do you want to know What does VSOP mean? What is the full form of VSOP?. Are you looking for What does VSOP mean? What is the full form of VSOP? What is VSOP stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of VSOP. The Full Form of VSOP is‍ Very Superior Old Pale
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What does VSOP mean? What is the full form of VSOP?
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