What does VTP mean? What is the full form of VTP?

The Full Form of VTP is VLAN Trunking Protocol.

You can’t describe VLANs without mentioning trunks. It’s a known fact that you can control and segment network broadcasts with VLANs.  VLAN trunking enables the movement of traffic to different parts of the network configured as a VLAN.

A trunk is a point-to-point link between two network devices that carry more than one VLAN. With VLAN trunking, you can extend your configured VLAN across the entire network. Most Cisco switches support the IEEE 802.1Q used to coordinate trunks on FastEthernet and GigabitEthernet.

To enable VLAN configured with trunk link to traffic frames between switches on the network, it made possible by a link protocol called VLAN Trunking Protocol VTP.

 VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) is a  Cisco-proprietary link protocol, it provides a means by which Cisco
switches can exchange VLAN configuration information. In effect, VTP advertises about the existence of each VLAN based on its VLAN ID and the VLAN name.

VTP serves a useful purpose, It enables the distribution of VLAN configuration among switches.



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Do you want to know What does VTP mean? What is the full form of VTP?. Are you looking for What does VTP mean? What is the full form of VTP? What is VTP stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of VTP. The Full Form of VTP is‍ VLAN Trunking Protocol
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