What does WBIFMS mean? What is the full form of WBIFMS?

The full form of WBIFMS is West Bengal Integrated Financial Management System. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in India

Governments around the world have undertaken major initiatives to take advantage of the potential of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in policy decisions and economic planning. Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) is one such ICT based initiative in financial operations to support management and budget decision, fiduciary responsibilities and the preparation of financial reports and statements. Conceptualization of an integrated system and its implementation in the State, extending over 67 Departments and over 150 Directorates and over 8000 Regional and field level offices down to the level of Block and embracing all financial operations, was a very challenging task. This experience paper depicts the challenges encountered, strategies adopted, Business Processes Re-engineered (BPR) by the Government of West Bengal in the process of implementation of IFMS, the benefits accrued to the Stakeholders and milestones achieved. The project may serve as an example to be followed, with improvisation to meet the specific regional requirement in other States of India and in other developing economies around the world.



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Do you want to know What does WBIFMS mean? What is the full form of WBIFMS?. Are you looking for What does WBIFMS mean? What is the full form of WBIFMS? What is WBIFMS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of WBIFMS. The Full Form of WBIFMS is‍ West Bengal Integrated Financial Management System
You also might want to know: how to pronounce WBIFMS, how to pronounce West Bengal Integrated Financial Management System,
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What does WBIFMS mean? What is the full form of WBIFMS?
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