to make a date和to make an appointment之间的区别是什么?
“ to make a date”表示两个恋人或两个想要浪漫一下的人的聚会。例如:
“I’m going to call Mary, and ask her to go on a date with me.”
“I think you’re really pretty, and nice. Let’s make a date and go out to a romantic dinner, or something.”
“ to make an appointment” 表示一次专业会议。
“I have to make an appointment to see the doctor.”
“Let’s make an appointment to discuss our new business deal.”
有时,“ to make a date”以其他方式使用。
“Let’s all of us get together on Saturday at 2:00, so we can study for the exam.”
–“Ok, it’s a date!”
“Let’s make a date to study for the exam. How about Saturday at 2:00?”
–“Ok, it’s a date then!”
我想说的是,“date”是在朋友之间或社交环境中使用的,而“appointment”是在商业或专业领域中使用的。与某人的to make a date不一定一定要与一个浪漫的伴侣在一起。我也可以与普通朋友make a date一起去看电影或晚餐。
“I need to make a date with you so that we can study for the test.”
“Let’s make a date to have lunch next week”.
“I can’t go to lunch on Friday; I have an appointment with my financial advisor.”
“How about Thursday? I have no appointments with clients and I’m free all day.”
就个人而言,(这仅是个人而言,现在)我不会和朋友说“make a date”。我说:
“Let’s pick a day to go out.”
“Let’s go out sometime.”
“Let’s set a date to go to the movies.”
“Let’s do lunch next week.”
是的,您是对的,语言是如此灵活,以致世界上不同地区的不同人使用它的方式有所不同!要点是我们已经明白了两个词之间的差异。 (希望如此)
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