Checkout 與 Check out的區別以及聯系以及使用方法

June 08, 2020


那麼這些情況的所在的地方稱為Checkout line。還是Check out line?


## Checkout和Check out有什麼區別?

在本文中,我將比較Check out與Checkout。我將在至少一個例句中使用每個拼寫,因此您可以在上下文中看到它們。

另外,我將向您展示一個有用的記憶技巧,該技巧將使爲您選擇Check out或Checkout提供幫助。


Checkout是什麼意思? Checkout可以是名詞或形容詞。



* A sign on the door of each room reminded the hotel’s guests that checkout was at 11am each morning.
* “I hate coming to this store,” said Carla, “there is always a long line for the checkout.”

當用作形容詞時,Checkout描述上述名詞的性質。例如,Checkout時間是客人離開酒店的時間(與登記時間相反),而Checkout line是在超市購買特品時的隊列。我在下面提供了更多示例供參考。

* When I got to the checkout counter, the cashier smiled and asked me if I had a membership card at the store.* Checkout time was at 10am for our hotel, but we were long gone by 830 to catch our flight.* com Inc. unveiled technology that will let shoppers grab groceries without having to scan and pay for them — in one stroke eliminating the checkout line. –Bloomberg


例如,《 AP風格手冊》說,

* Checkout(名詞和形容詞)
* Check out(動詞)

##何時使用Check out

Check out是什麼意思? Check out是動詞短語。to check something out意味著要將某物隨身帶走之前先要籤名登錄,例如在圖書館借書,或者在雜貨店購買商品。



* “I’m going to check out; meet me at the front of the store when you’re done being silly,” Carol told her son.
* I tried to check out a book from the library, but I had too many overdue fees and had to pay them first.

Check out也可能意味著從字面上或像徵意義上對事物進行評估或離開。

* “Hey man, have you checked out Dave’s new pontoon boat? We can have lake parties every weekend now!” (appraise something)

Check out作為動詞短語必須拼寫為兩個單獨的單詞的原因是因為它可以更改時態。不像Checkout它永遠不會改變時態,Check out可以被變形(因為它是動詞)

* Checkout =名詞(從不改變)
* Check out =動詞
* Checked out=動詞
* Checking out=動詞



請記住,單個單詞check是動詞。只要您能記住短語Check out各個部分的含義,將其用作動詞短語就不會有什麼麻煩。


是Checkout還是Check out?這些術語的用法永遠不會重疊,因此記住這些區別很重要。

* Check out是一個動詞短語,表示簽名或觀察某物。
* Checkout表示一個購買事物的場所或作為名詞離開酒店的過程