Nauseated 與 Nauseous的區別

April 05, 2022


今天,我想澄清 Nauseous 和 Nauseated 之間的任何混淆。

## Nauseous 和 Nauseated 有什麼區別?




讓我們比較 Nauseous 和 Nauseated。

## 何時使用 Nauseous

Nauseous 是什麼意思? Nauseous定義為引起噁心;令人作嘔。從這個意義上說,Nauseous 是一個形容詞,而 Nauseous 的內容會讓你感到噁心或噁心。

* This is a nauseous roller coaster full of twists and turns.
* His nauseous jokes were inappropriate for the workplace.
* The medications they took could make them choke on their food, and when they overdosed on pills, they were fed a nauseous black slime of activated charcoal that bound the pills so they could not be digested. –The New York Times

## 何時使用 Nauseated

Nauseated 是什麼意思? Nauseated定義為體驗或感到噁心。從這個意義上說,Nauseated 是一個動詞,感到噁心就是 Nauseated。

* After the marathon, I felt nauseated from a lack of fluids.
* I was nauseated after hearing the story.
* There are many reasons we might feel nauseated, and drinking liquids is often the fastest way to fight back. Many people have their pet remedies, such as cola, ginger ale and coconut water. –The Wall Street Journal

## Nauseated 與 Nauseous 的規則是什麼?

這是 Nauseated 與 Nauseous 的傳統規則,

* Nauseated 表示感到噁心。
* Nauseous 表示引起或誘發噁心。


如果我只是坐了一個旋轉的過山車,我想嘔吐,我感覺 Nauseated 因為 Nauseous 過山車。

## Nauseated 和 Nauseous 可以互換嗎?


然而,問題是,Nauseous 幾乎取代了 Nauseated 來表示感到噁心。 《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》、《洛杉磯時報》等出版物如今很少(如果有的話)做出區分。

Garner 的《現代美國用法》說,當 Nauseated 的意思時使用 Nauseous(例如:我覺得 Nauseous)變得如此普遍,以至於將其稱為錯誤是誇大其詞。儘管如此,《芝加哥風格手冊》仍將這種失誤稱為使用不當。


換句話說,Nauseous 可能已經取代了 Nauseated 來表示感到噁心,而令人作嘔的代替 Nauseous 來表示引起噁心。


## 概括

如果這篇文章還沒有讓你Nauseated,這裡有一個快速總結。我應該使用 Nauseous 還是 Nauseated?


Nauseous 用於描述引起噁心的事物。

當有人感到噁心時使用 Nauseated。