What is the meaning of [Where there’s a will there’s a way]

Given sufficient determination, we can accomplish what set out to do.

> The mountain ridges tower up to the sky,
> And seem all human labor to defy,
> But when the people wish to take a ride,
> And see their neighbors on the other side,
> Through rocks they dig: the train pursues its way,
> And through the mountain rolls without delay

We see here a towering cliff belonging to a mountainous range which rises like
a wall, or barrier, between the neighboring portions of the same country. The
inhabitants desire very much to have a free communication with each other, but
there is a mountain barrier which it is extremely difficult to get over, or
around; they, therefore, determine to go through it. The human will brings to
its aid the powerful elements of fire and water. Gunpowder and the steam
engine work wonders — they force a way through the solid rock. The iron
railway is made, and the traveler, instead of toiling through long tedious
hours over a mountain pathway, in a few moments, while in an easy chair, finds
himself on the other side.

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It is related of a certain gentleman, living in England, that at one period of
his life he was reduced to the greatest extremities. He had, by a course of
dissipation, spent all his patrimonial estate and had not a penny at his
disposal. As he was looking at the paternal mansion in which he was born, he
was seized with an earnest desire and determination to become again its
possessor. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” He determined upon a course
of getting and saving all he got to the utmost of his power. The first job
that came in his way was that of carrying some coal into a celler, for which
he obtained a sixpence. He soon found other jobs, and by a diligent attention
to his business, he increased his means of getting larger sums. He at length
became rich, and succeeded in purchasing the whole estate left by his father,
with many additions. His case, among many others, afford a striking
illustration of the truth of the proverb.

The human will is stronger and swifter than the winds, for it defies its
power; it is swifter, for it can send its mandates with lightning speed. It is
mightier than mountains, for they cannot stop the operation of its power. It
was the will of the ancient Romans that the world should be brought under
their power. It was accomplished, in spite of the stupendous obstacles to be
overcome. Their motto was, “We find a road, at make one.” “I can’t” never did
any thing yet, “I’ll try,” has accomplished great things, but “I will” has
worked miracles. By it poor men have become rich, ignorant men, learned, and
mean men, honorable.

##### See also:

* Constant dripping wears away the stone
* If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again
* It’s dogged that does it
* Little by little and bit by bit
* Little strokes fell great oaks
* Rome was not built in a day
* Slow but sure wins the race