English Words Beginning with L

lab label labor laboratory labor camp Labor Day laborer laborious laboriously labor union labyrinth lace lacerate laceration lack lacking lackluster lacquer lacy lad ladder laden ladies’ room ladle lady ladybug lag

English Words Beginning with K

kaleidoscope kangaroo kaput karat karate karma kayak keel keen keenly keenness keep keeper keeping keepsake keg kennel kept kernel kerosene ketchup kettle key keyboard keyhole keynote key ring kg: khaki khakis kick kickback

English Words Beginning with J

jabber jack jackal jackass jacket jackhammer jack-in-the-box jackknife jackknives jack-of-all-trades jack-o’-lantern jackpot Jacuzzi jade jaded jagged jaguar jail jailer jalopy jam jamb jamboree jammed Jan. Jane Doe

English Words Beginning with I

iceberg icebox icebreaker ice cap ice-cold ice cream ice-cream cone ice cube iced ice hockey ice skate ice skater icicle icing icky icon icy ID I’d ID card idea ideal idealism idealist idealistic idealize ideally

English Words Beginning with H

haberdashery habit habitable habitat habitation habitual habitually hack hacker hackneyed hacksaw had haddock hadn’t hag haggard haggle hail hailstone hair hairbrush haircut hairdo hairdresser hair dryer hairline

English Words Beginning with G

gabby gable gadget gaffe gag gaggle gag order gaiety gaily gain gait gal gal. gala galactic galaxy gale gall gallant gallantly gallantry gallbladder gallery galley gallivant gallon gallop gallows galore galoshes galvanize

English Words Beginning with F

fabric fabricate fabrication fabulous facade face faceless face-lift face-saving facet facetious facetiously face value facial facile facilitate facilities facility facsimile fact faction factor factory factual faculty fad


The list below seems long, but when you can use all these words with confidence, your English vocabulary will be fully functional. a abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse

New Words That Were Added to the Dictionary in 2019

New Words from Politics and Law Deep state: an alleged secret governmental network operating extralegally. It may feel as though the term has been around since the time when men wore fedoras in Washington, but current

25 of the New Words Merriam-Webster Is Adding to the Dictionary in 2018

1. BOUGIE (ADJ.) Short for bourgeois, this term means “Marked by a concern for wealth, possessions, and respectability.” 2. TL;DR (ABBREV.) “Too long; didn’t read—used to say that something would

English Words Beginning with E

each other eager eagerly eagerness eagle eagle-eyed ear earache eardrum earlobe early earmark earmuffs earn earnest earnestly earnestness earnings earphones earplug earring earshot earsplitting Earth earth earthiness earthly

English Words Beginning with D

dab dabble dachshund dad daddy daffodil dagger daily daintily dainty dairy dairy cattle dairy farm daisy dally Dalmatian dam damage damages damaging dame damn damned damning damp dampen damper dampness damsel dance dancer