English Words Beginning with R

November 12, 2019
  • rabbi
  • rabbit
  • rabble
  • rabid
  • rabies
  • raccoon
  • race
  • racetrack
  • racial
  • racially
  • racing
  • racism
  • racist
  • rack
  • racket
  • racketeer
  • racy
  • radar
  • radial
  • radiance
  • radiant
  • radiate
  • radiation
  • radiator
  • radical
  • radically
  • radii
  • radio
  • radioactive
  • radioactivity
  • radiologist
  • radiology
  • radiotherapy
  • radish
  • radium
  • radius
  • radon
  • raffle
  • raft
  • rafter
  • rag
  • ragamuffin
  • rag doll
  • rage
  • ragged
  • rags
  • ragtag
  • ragtime
  • rah-rah
  • raid
  • raider
  • rail
  • railing
  • railroad
  • railroad crossing
  • rain
  • rainbow
  • rain check
  • raincoat
  • raindrop
  • rainfall
  • rain forest
  • rains
  • rainstorm
  • rainwater
  • rainy
  • raise
  • raisin
  • rake
  • rally
  • RAM
  • ram
  • Ramadan
  • ramble
  • rambling
  • rambunctious
  • ramification
  • ramp
  • rampage
  • rampant
  • ramrod
  • ramshackle
  • ran
  • ranch
  • rancher
  • ranch house
  • ranching
  • rancid
  • rancor
  • rancorous
  • random
  • randomly
  • rang
  • range
  • ranger
  • rank
  • rank and file
  • ranking
  • rankle
  • ranks
  • ransack
  • ransom
  • rant
  • rap
  • rape
  • rapid
  • rapidity
  • rapidly
  • rapids
  • rapid transit
  • rapist
  • rapport
  • rapprochement
  • rapt
  • rapture
  • rapturous
  • rare
  • rarely
  • raring
  • rarity
  • rascal
  • rash
  • rasp
  • raspberry
  • raspy
  • rat
  • rate
  • rather
  • ratification
  • ratify
  • rating
  • ratio
  • ration
  • rational
  • rationale
  • rationalization
  • rationalize
  • rationally
  • rationing
  • rations
  • rat race
  • rattle
  • rattler
  • rattlesnake
  • raucous
  • raucously
  • raunchy
  • ravage
  • rave
  • raven
  • ravenous
  • rave review
  • ravine
  • raving
  • ravishing
  • raw
  • ray
  • rayon
  • raze
  • razor
  • razor blade
  • razz
  • Rd.
  • R & D
  • re
  • reach
  • react
  • reaction
  • reactionary
  • reactor
  • read
  • readable
  • reader
  • readership
  • readily
  • readiness
  • reading
  • readjust
  • readjustment
  • ready
  • ready-made
  • real
  • real estate
  • real estate agent
  • realism
  • realist
  • realistic
  • realistically
  • reality
  • reality check
  • realization
  • realize
  • really
  • realm
  • real time
  • real-time
  • Realtor
  • realty
  • ream
  • reap
  • reappear
  • reappearance
  • rear
  • rear end
  • rear-end
  • rearrange
  • rearrangement
  • rearview mirror
  • reason
  • reasonable
  • reasonableness
  • reasonably
  • reasoning
  • reassurance
  • reassure
  • reassuring
  • reassuringly
  • rebate
  • rebel
  • rebellion
  • rebellious
  • rebirth
  • rebound
  • rebuff
  • rebuild
  • rebuilt
  • rebuke
  • rebut
  • rebuttal
  • recalcitrance
  • recalcitrant
  • recall
  • recant
  • recap
  • recapture
  • recede
  • receipt
  • receive
  • receiver
  • receivership
  • recent
  • recently
  • receptacle
  • reception
  • receptionist
  • receptive
  • recess
  • recession
  • recharge
  • recipe
  • recipient
  • reciprocal
  • reciprocate
  • recital
  • recitation
  • recite
  • reckless
  • recklessly
  • recklessness
  • reckon
  • reckoning
  • reclaim
  • reclamation
  • recline
  • reclining
  • recluse
  • recognition
  • recognizable
  • recognizably
  • recognize
  • recoil
  • recollect
  • recollection
  • recommend
  • recommendation
  • recompense
  • reconcile
  • reconciliation
  • recondition
  • reconnaissance
  • reconsider
  • reconstitute
  • reconstruct
  • reconstruction
  • record
  • record-breaking
  • recorder
  • recording
  • record player
  • recount
  • recoup
  • recourse
  • recover
  • recovery
  • recreate
  • recreation
  • recreational
  • recruit
  • recruiter
  • recruitment
  • rectal
  • rectangle
  • rectangular
  • rectify
  • rector
  • rectum
  • recuperate
  • recuperation
  • recur
  • recurrence
  • recurrent
  • recyclable
  • recycle
  • recycled
  • recycling
  • red
  • red-blooded
  • red carpet
  • Red Cross
  • redden
  • reddish
  • redeem
  • redeemable
  • redemption
  • redevelop
  • redevelopment
  • red-eye
  • red-handed
  • redhead
  • red herring
  • red-hot
  • redid
  • redirect
  • redistribute
  • redistribution
  • red-light district
  • redneck
  • redness
  • redo
  • redone
  • redouble
  • redress
  • redskin
  • red tape
  • reduce
  • reduction
  • redundancy
  • redundant
  • red wine
  • redwood
  • reed
  • reeducate
  • reeducation
  • reef
  • reek
  • reel
  • reelect
  • reelection
  • reenact
  • reenactment
  • reentry
  • ref
  • refer
  • referee
  • reference
  • reference book
  • referenda
  • referendum
  • refill
  • refinance
  • refine
  • refined
  • refinement
  • refinery
  • refinish
  • reflect
  • reflection
  • reflective
  • reflector
  • reflex
  • reflexes
  • reflexive
  • reform
  • reformation
  • reformer
  • reform school
  • refrain
  • refresh
  • refresher course
  • refreshing
  • refreshingly
  • refreshment
  • refreshments
  • refrigerate
  • refrigeration
  • refrigerator
  • refuel
  • refuge
  • refugee
  • refund
  • refundable
  • refurbish
  • refurbishment
  • refusal
  • refuse
  • refute
  • regain
  • regal
  • regalia
  • regard
  • regarding
  • regardless
  • regards
  • regatta
  • regenerate
  • regeneration
  • regent
  • reggae
  • regime
  • regimen
  • regiment
  • regimental
  • regimented
  • region
  • regional
  • regionally
  • register
  • registered mail
  • registered nurse
  • registrar
  • registration
  • registry
  • regress
  • regression
  • regret
  • regretful
  • regretfully
  • regrettable
  • regrettably
  • regroup
  • regular
  • regularity
  • regularly
  • regulate
  • regulation
  • regurgitate
  • regurgitation
  • rehab
  • rehabilitate
  • rehabilitation
  • rehash
  • rehearsal
  • rehearse
  • reign
  • reimburse
  • reimbursement
  • rein
  • reincarnate
  • reincarnation
  • reindeer
  • reinforce
  • reinforcement
  • reinforcements
  • reinstate
  • reinstatement
  • reinvent
  • reissue
  • reiterate
  • reiteration
  • reject
  • rejection
  • rejoice
  • rejoicing
  • rejoin
  • rejoinder
  • rejuvenate
  • rejuvenation
  • rekindle
  • relapse
  • relate
  • related
  • relation
  • relations
  • relationship
  • relative
  • relatively
  • relativity
  • relax
  • relaxation
  • relaxed
  • relaxing
  • relay
  • release
  • relegate
  • relent
  • relentless
  • relentlessly
  • relevance
  • relevant
  • reliability
  • reliable
  • reliably
  • reliance
  • reliant
  • relic
  • relief
  • relieve
  • relieved
  • religion
  • religious
  • religiously
  • relinquish
  • relish
  • relive
  • relocate
  • relocation
  • reluctance
  • reluctant
  • reluctantly
  • rely
  • remain
  • remainder
  • remaining
  • remains
  • remake
  • remark
  • remarkable
  • remarkably
  • remarriage
  • remarry
  • remedial
  • remedy
  • remember
  • remembrance
  • remind
  • reminder
  • reminisce
  • reminiscence
  • reminiscent
  • remiss
  • remission
  • remit
  • remittance
  • remnant
  • remodel
  • remorse
  • remorseful
  • remorseless
  • remote
  • remote control
  • remotely
  • remoteness
  • removable
  • removal
  • remove
  • removed
  • remover
  • remunerate
  • remuneration
  • Renaissance
  • rename
  • rend
  • render
  • rendering
  • rendezvous
  • rendition
  • renegade
  • renege
  • renew
  • renewable
  • renewal
  • renounce
  • renovate
  • renovation
  • renown
  • renowned
  • rent
  • rental
  • rent control
  • renter
  • renunciation
  • reorganization
  • reorganize
  • rep
  • Rep.
  • repaid
  • repair
  • reparation
  • repatriate
  • repatriation
  • repay
  • repayment
  • repeal
  • repeat
  • repeated
  • repeatedly
  • repel
  • repellent
  • repent
  • repentance
  • repentant
  • repercussion
  • repertoire
  • repetition
  • repetitious
  • repetitive
  • rephrase
  • replace
  • replaceable
  • replacement
  • replay
  • replenish
  • replenishment
  • replete
  • replica
  • replicate
  • replication
  • reply
  • report
  • report card
  • reportedly
  • reporter
  • repository
  • repossess
  • reprehensible
  • represent
  • representation
  • Representative
  • representative
  • repress
  • repressed
  • repression
  • repressive
  • reprieve
  • reprimand
  • reprint
  • reprisal
  • reprise
  • reproach
  • reproduce
  • reproduction
  • reproductive
  • reprove
  • reptile
  • reptilian
  • republic
  • Republican
  • republican
  • Republican Party
  • repudiate
  • repudiation
  • repugnance
  • repugnant
  • repulse
  • repulsion
  • repulsive
  • reputable
  • reputation
  • repute
  • reputed
  • reputedly
  • request
  • requiem
  • require
  • requirement
  • requisite
  • requisition
  • rerun
  • resale
  • rescind
  • rescue
  • rescuer
  • research
  • researcher
  • resemblance
  • resemble
  • resent
  • resentful
  • resentment
  • reservation
  • reserve
  • reserved
  • reserves
  • reservoir
  • reshuffle
  • reside
  • residence
  • residency
  • resident
  • residential
  • residual
  • residue
  • resign
  • resignation
  • resigned
  • resilience
  • resilient
  • resin
  • resist
  • resistance
  • resistant
  • resolute
  • resolutely
  • resolution
  • resolve
  • resonance
  • resonant
  • resonate
  • resort
  • resound
  • resounding
  • resoundingly
  • resource
  • resourceful
  • resourcefulness
  • resources
  • respect
  • respectability
  • respectable
  • respectably
  • respected
  • respectful
  • respectfully
  • respective
  • respectively
  • respects
  • respiration
  • respirator
  • respiratory
  • respite
  • resplendent
  • respond
  • response
  • responsibility
  • responsible
  • responsibly
  • responsive
  • responsiveness
  • rest
  • restate
  • restatement
  • restaurant
  • rest home
  • restitution
  • restive
  • restless
  • restlessly
  • restoration
  • restore
  • restrain
  • restrained
  • restraint
  • restrict
  • restricted
  • restriction
  • restrictive
  • rest room
  • restructure
  • restructuring
  • result
  • resultant
  • resume
  • resumption
  • resurface
  • resurgence
  • resurgent
  • resurrect
  • Resurrection
  • resurrection
  • resuscitate
  • resuscitation
  • retail
  • retailer
  • retain
  • retainer
  • retake
  • retaken
  • retaliate
  • retaliation
  • retard
  • retardation
  • retarded
  • retch
  • retention
  • rethink
  • rethought
  • reticence
  • reticent
  • retina
  • retinue
  • retire
  • retired
  • retiree
  • retirement
  • retiring
  • retook
  • retort
  • retrace
  • retract
  • retractable
  • retraction
  • retread
  • retreat
  • retrial
  • retribution
  • retrieval
  • retrieve
  • retriever
  • retroactive
  • retroactively
  • retrospective
  • return
  • returnable
  • return address
  • reunion
  • reunite
  • rev
  • Rev.
  • revaluation
  • revalue
  • revamp
  • reveal
  • revealing
  • revel
  • revelation
  • reveler
  • revelry
  • revenge
  • revenue
  • reverberate
  • reverberation
  • revere
  • reverence
  • Reverend
  • reverent
  • reverently
  • reverie
  • reversal
  • reverse
  • reversible
  • reversion
  • revert
  • review
  • reviewer
  • revile
  • revise
  • revision
  • revitalization
  • revitalize
  • revival
  • revive
  • revoke
  • revolt
  • revolting
  • revolution
  • revolutionary
  • Revolutionary War
  • revolutionize
  • revolve
  • revolver
  • revue
  • revulsion
  • reward
  • rewarding
  • rewind
  • rework
  • rewound
  • rewrite
  • rewritten
  • rewrote
  • rhapsody
  • rhetoric
  • rhetorical
  • rhetorically
  • rhetorical question
  • rheumatism
  • rhinestone
  • rhino
  • rhinoceros
  • rhododendron
  • rhubarb
  • rhyme
  • rhythm
  • rhythm and blues
  • rhythmic
  • rhythmically
  • rib
  • ribald
  • ribbon
  • rib cage
  • rice
  • rich
  • riches
  • richly
  • richness
  • rickety
  • rickshaw
  • ricochet
  • rid
  • riddance
  • ridden
  • riddle
  • riddled
  • ride
  • rider
  • ridge
  • ridicule
  • ridiculous
  • ridiculously
  • riding
  • rife
  • rifle
  • rift
  • rig
  • rigging
  • right
  • right angle
  • righteous
  • righteously
  • righteousness
  • rightful
  • rightfully
  • right-hand
  • right-handed
  • right-hand man
  • rightly
  • right of way
  • rights
  • right wing
  • right-wing
  • rigid
  • rigidity
  • rigidly
  • rigmarole
  • rigor
  • rigor mortis
  • rigorous
  • rigorously
  • rile
  • rim
  • rind
  • ring
  • ringed
  • ringleader
  • ringlet
  • ringside
  • ringworm
  • rink
  • rinky-dink
  • rinse
  • riot
  • rioter
  • rioting
  • riotous
  • RIP
  • rip
  • rip cord
  • ripe
  • ripen
  • rip-off
  • ripple
  • rip-roaring
  • rise
  • risen
  • riser
  • risk
  • risky
  • risque
  • rite
  • ritual
  • ritually
  • ritzy
  • rival
  • rivalry
  • river
  • riverbed
  • riverfront
  • riverside
  • rivet
  • riveting
  • RN
  • roach
  • road
  • roadblock
  • roadhouse
  • roadkill
  • roadrunner
  • roadside
  • road test
  • roadway
  • roadworthy
  • roam
  • roar
  • roaring
  • roast
  • rob
  • robber
  • robbery
  • robe
  • robin
  • robot
  • robotics
  • robust
  • rock
  • rock and roll
  • rock bottom
  • rocker
  • rocket
  • rocking chair
  • rocking horse
  • rock music
  • rocky
  • rod
  • rode
  • rodent
  • rodeo
  • roe
  • rogue
  • role
  • role model
  • role-play
  • role-playing
  • roll
  • roll call
  • roller
  • Rollerblade
  • roller coaster
  • roller skate
  • roller-skate
  • rollerskating
  • rollicking
  • rolling pin
  • roly-poly
  • ROM
  • Roman
  • Roman alphabet
  • Roman Catholic
  • Roman Catholicism
  • romance
  • Roman numeral
  • romantic
  • romantically
  • romanticize
  • romp
  • roof
  • roofing
  • rooftop
  • rook
  • rookie
  • room
  • room and board
  • roomful
  • roommate
  • room service
  • roomy
  • roost
  • rooster
  • root
  • root beer
  • rootless
  • roots
  • rope
  • rosary
  • rose
  • Rosh Hashanah
  • roster
  • rostrum
  • rosy
  • rot
  • rotary
  • rotate
  • rotation
  • ROTC
  • rote
  • rotisserie
  • rotor
  • rotten
  • rotund
  • rotunda
  • rouge
  • rough
  • roughage
  • rough-and-tumble
  • roughhouse
  • roughly
  • roughness
  • roughshod
  • roulette
  • round
  • roundabout
  • round-the-clock
  • round trip
  • round-trip
  • roundup
  • rouse
  • rousing
  • rout
  • route
  • routine
  • routinely
  • roving
  • row
  • rowboat
  • rowdiness
  • rowdy
  • rowing
  • royal
  • royal blue
  • royalties
  • royalty
  • R & R
  • RSVP
  • Rte.
  • rub
  • rubber
  • rubber band
  • rubberneck
  • rubber stamp
  • rubber-stamp
  • rubbery
  • rubbish
  • rubble
  • rubdown
  • rubella
  • ruby
  • ruckus
  • rudder
  • ruddy
  • rude
  • rudely
  • rudeness
  • rudimentary
  • rudiments
  • rue
  • rueful
  • ruffle
  • rug
  • rugby
  • rugged
  • ruin
  • ruinous
  • rule
  • ruler
  • ruling
  • rum
  • rumble
  • ruminate
  • rummage
  • rummage sale
  • rummy
  • rumor
  • rumored
  • rump
  • rumple
  • run
  • runaround
  • runaway
  • rundown
  • run-down
  • rung
  • run-in
  • runner
  • runners-up
  • runner-up
  • running
  • running mate
  • runny
  • run-of-the-mill
  • runway
  • rupture
  • rural
  • ruse
  • rush
  • rush hour
  • Russian
  • rust
  • rustic
  • rustle
  • rustler
  • rustproof
  • rusty
  • rut
  • ruthless
  • ruthlessly
  • ruthlessness
  • RV
  • rye