What does BBSR mean? What is the full form of BBSR?

The Full Form of BBSR is‍ Bhubaneswara.

Bhubaneswar is an ancient city in India’s eastern state of Odisha, formerly Orissa. Many temples built from sandstone are dotted around Bindu Sagar Lake in the old city, including the 11th-century Hindu Lingaraja Temple. Outside Rajarani Temple are sculpted figures of the guardians of the 8 cardinal and ordinal directions. Jain antiques, weaponry and indigenous pattachitra paintings fill the Odisha State Museum.



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Do you want to know What does BBSR mean? What is the full form of BBSR?. Are you looking for What does BBSR mean? What is the full form of BBSR? What is BBSR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of BBSR. The Full Form of BBSR is‍ Bhubaneswara
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What does BBSR mean? What is the full form of BBSR?
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