What does AEE mean? What is the full form of AEE?

The full form of AEE is Assistant Executive Engineer.

The Assistant Engineer is responsible to the Executive Engineer for the management and execution of works i.e. Water Supply Schemes, Irrigation Schemes, & Projects etc. within his Sub-Division and he is his Divisional Officers’ Assistant . 

Both AEE and PSC same and both do the same job. But few state government departments prefer Assistant Engineer(AE) title over Asssistant Executive Engineer(AEE).

In state PSC for AEE qualification required is B.Tech or B.E so it is a Gazetted post. While for AE qualification required is Diploma. So it is a Non Gazetted post. Both are recruited by PSC and do the Same job just the basis of recruitment is different.



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Do you want to know What does AEE mean? What is the full form of AEE?. Are you looking for What does AEE mean? What is the full form of AEE? What is AEE stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of AEE. The Full Form of AEE is‍ Assistant Executive Engineer
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