What does Cont mean? What is the full form of Cont?

The full form of Cont is continued
The abbreviation “cont” stands for continued, as there is more information to follow.

Origin of Cont
The abbreviation “cont” came from the proper shorthand for written documents for the word continued. This is the abbreviation that has been used for years in the world of writing to indicate that something is continued on the following page.

Examples in Conversations
Friend 1: Hey, what are you doing right now?
Friend 2: The same thing as you. Sitting in the middle of second period.
Friend 1: HAHA! Ok, what did you do last night?
Friend 2: Also the same thing as you probably. I sat around and watched some tv, ate some dinner, did some homework.
Friend 1: Same. Oops, cont later. The teacher is coming.



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Do you want to know What does CONT mean? What is the full form of CONT?. Are you looking for What does CONT mean? What is the full form of CONT? What is CONT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CONT. The Full Form of CONT is‍ continued
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What does CONT mean? What is the full form of CONT?
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