What does D.EI.ED mean? What is the full form of D.EI.ED?

The Full Form of D.EI.ED is‍ Diploma in Elementary Education.

D.El.Ed is a Diploma course in Elementary Education. It is a 2 year full time diploma course to train teachers for the primary level and can be done with classroom training or distance learning. It is a 4 semester course to prepare students to work in primary/ upper primary schools in different states of the country. The design of the course is such that it includes practical training and internships along with classroom training. It includes principles of child development, education practice, and the role of the teacher in grooming the students. 

Eligibility for D.El.Ed 

The candidate should possess good communication skills, patience, creative thinking and an aptitude to teaching. 

It is a course for under graduates who have completed 10+2 from a recognized board with 50% minimum marks. 

The age limit might vary from one state board to another. However, broadly the minimum age is 18 years and maximum age limit is 35 years. One can check the respective state boards requirements before applying. 

D.El.Ed Admission Process and Entrance Exams

Admission process consists of an entrance exam followed by an interview, if the candidate clears the entrance exam. Entrance tests are conducted on an annual basis by state boards for admission to this course.  Admission is granted to the candidate, based on the marks obtained in the entrance exam, the performance of the candidate in the interview.

Fees range from Rs 5000 to Rs 200,000.



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Do you want to know What does D.EI.ED mean? What is the full form of D.EI.ED?. Are you looking for What does D.EI.ED mean? What is the full form of D.EI.ED? What is D.EI.ED stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of D.EI.ED. The Full Form of D.EI.ED is‍ Diploma in Elementary Education
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