What does DICOR mean? What is the full form of DICOR?

The full form of DICOR is Direct Injection Common Rail

Common rail is a fuel injection system found in modern diesel engines. Common rail systems provide a level of flexibility which can be exploited for class leading emission control, power and fuel consumption. This enables Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to design for optimum performance and exceptional end-user value across a range of machines and applications.

An increasing number of modern diesel engines employ common rail direct injection (CRDi) fuel systems for the flexibility they provide while meeting the most stringent emission control standards.

In common rail systems, the fuel is supplied to the engine under pressure with electronically controlled precision. This provides a level of flexibility which can be exploited for class leading levels of emission control, power and fuel consumption.

Perkins applies CRDi technology to its electronic product offerings in the 400, 850, 1100 and 1200 Series.



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