What does DTP mean? What is the full form of DTP?

1, The full form of DTP is Desktop Publishing. It’s used on Computing ,Sofware & Applications in Worldwide

Desktop publishing (DTP) refers to the graphical processing of documents like combining and rearrange of text and images and many of other Built-In functions in the page layout software to create a printable digital file in a personal computer. One of the key feature of DTP is the ability to preview a page layout before prior to printing.

2, The full form of DTP is Dynamic Trunking Protocol. It’s used on Computing ,Protocols in Worldwide

The Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) is a proprietary networking protocol developed by Cisco Systems for the purpose of negotiating trunking on a link between two VLAN-aware switches, and for negotiating the type of trunking encapsulation to be used.



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Dynamic Trunking Protocolhow to pronounce Dynamic Trunking Protocol

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Do you want to know What does DTP mean? What is the full form of DTP?. Are you looking for What does DTP mean? What is the full form of DTP? What is DTP stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DTP. The Full Form of DTP is‍ Desktop Publishing, Dynamic Trunking Protocol
You also might want to know: how to pronounce DTP, how to pronounce Desktop Publishing, how to pronounce Dynamic Trunking Protocol,
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What does DTP mean? What is the full form of DTP?
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