What does ECAFE mean? What is the full form of ECAFE?

The Full Form of ECAFE is Economic Commission for Asia & the Far East.

The present Survey is the twenty-second in a series of reports prepared annually by the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. A major object of these Surveys, and of the quarterly Economic Bulletin, is the analysis of recent economic developments in the countries of Asia and the Far East, and of international developments that affect them. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of economic policy and of policy issues.

Since 1957 it has been the practice in the annual ECAFE Survey to examine specific problem s concerning the economies of the region in order to study long-term trends and their implications for national policies. In Part One, the present Survey contains two such studies: the first of export-dependent countries an d the second of economic control and liberalization. Part Two contains a review of economic developments in the ECAFE region in recent years, 1967 and 1968 in particular, on the basis of information available to the secretariat at the time of completion of the Survey (March 1969).




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Do you want to know What does ECAFE mean? What is the full form of ECAFE?. Are you looking for What does ECAFE mean? What is the full form of ECAFE? What is ECAFE stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ECAFE. The Full Form of ECAFE is‍ Economic Commission for Asia & the Far East
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