What does Emo mean? What is the full form of Emo?

The full form of Emo is Emotional. It’s used on News & Entertainment ,Music in United States

Emo is a style of rock music characterized by melodic musicianship and expressive, often confessional lyrics. It originated in the mid-1980s hardcore punk movement of Washington, D.C., where it was known as “emotional hardcore” or “emocore” and pioneered by bands such as Rites of Spring and Embrace.



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Do you want to know What does EMO mean? What is the full form of EMO?. Are you looking for What does EMO mean? What is the full form of EMO? What is EMO stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of EMO. The Full Form of EMO is‍ Emotional
You also might want to know: how to pronounce EMO, how to pronounce Emotional,
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What does EMO mean? What is the full form of EMO?
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