What does ESFA mean? What is the full form of ESFA?

The Full Form of ESFA is‍ Evangelical Social Action Forum.

Evangelical Social Action Forum (ESAF) was established in 1992 as a response to the social and economic needs of the people. ESAF stands for sustainable wholistic transformation of the poor and the marginalized for a just and fair society. Evangelical Social Action Forum is a registered charitable society, born out of deep conviction that our deeds should match our words. The society was launched in 1992 under the patronage of Kerala Evangelical Graduates Fellowship.

They are engagd in: ” Sustainable wholistic development of marginalized children”, Micro Enterprises Development Division, provides a broad package of Financial and Business Development Services to the society especially the economically challenged men and women. ESAF Healthcare Services (P) Ltd, the health wing of ESAF, delivers excellent healthcare services to the poor through a chain of hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, diagnostic labs, Ayurvedic treatment centers, and training centers in locations with least healthcare facilities.

It also attends to the least addressed public health issues like HIV / AIDS. Natural Resource Management division of ESAF aims to facilitate proper stewardship of God’s creation by making the natural resources accessible to everyone. Human Resource Development wing of ESAF aims at developing Human Resource potential through Employment Information Service. Liaison with Media and Government and Networking with churches and like-minded NGOs for the promotion of our holistic mission, Disaster management, Counseling and Career Guidance, Research and Development.



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Do you want to know What does ESFA mean? What is the full form of ESFA?. Are you looking for What does ESFA mean? What is the full form of ESFA? What is ESFA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ESFA. The Full Form of ESFA is‍ Evangelical Social Action Forum
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