What does EXP mean? What is the full form of EXP?

The full form of EXP is Exponential function. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Mathematics in Worldwide

Exponential function is defined by EXP(x) = ex, where e is the constant(approximately 2.718281828).

Exponential functions look somewhat similar to functions you have seen before, in that they involve exponents, but there is a big difference, in that the variable is now the power, rather than the base. Previously, you have dealt with such functions as f(x) = x2, where the variable x was the base and the number 2 was the power. In the case of exponentials, however, you will be dealing with functions such as g(x) = 2x, where the base is the fixed number, and the power is the variable.

Let’s look more closely at the function g(x) = 2x. To evaluate this function, we operate as usual, picking values of x, plugging them in, and simplifying for the answers. But to evaluate 2x, we need to remember how exponents work. In particular, we need to remember that negative exponents mean “put the base on the other side of the fraction line”.

So, while positive x-values give us values like these:

exponential function

exponential function




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Do you want to know What does EXP mean? What is the full form of EXP?. Are you looking for What does EXP mean? What is the full form of EXP? What is EXP stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of EXP. The Full Form of EXP is‍ Exponential function
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