What does GHMC mean? What is the full form of GHMC?

The full form of GHMC is Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in India

Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) is the civic body that oversees Hyderabad, the capital and largest city in the State of Telangana. It is the Local Government for the Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Its geographical area covers most of the urban development agency the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA). As many as 64 ex-officio members, including five Lok Sabha MPs (Member of Parliament) whose constituencies are in GHMC jurisdiction vote in GHMC election.

History: In the year 1869, Municipal administration was first introduced for the city of Hyderabad. The city of Hyderabad was divided into four and the suburbs of Chaderghat were divided into five divisions. The whole management of both the city and the suburbs was handled by the then City Police Commissioner, Kotwal-e-Baldia. In the same year, Sir Salar Jung-1, the then Prime Minister of Hyderabad State under the Nizam, has constituted the Department of Municipal and Road Maintenance. He also appointed a Municipal Commissioner for Hyderabad Board and Chaderghat Board. At that time, city was just 55 km2 with a population of 3.5 lakhs. In 1886, the suburban area of Chaderghat was handed over to a separate officer and then Chaderghat became Chaderghat Municipality. In 1921 Hyderabad Municipality has increased to 84 km2. In 1933, Chaderghat Municipality was merged with Hyderabad Municipality to form Hyderabad Municipal Corporation and was given statutory status under the Hyderabad Municipal Act. During the following year (1934), the first elections were held for Municipal Corporation and a Standing Committee was appointed at that time. In the year 1937, Jubilee Hills Municipality was formed by the amalgamation of Jubilee Hills and Banjara Hills. Later, in 1942, the corporation status for the city has been removed due to some issues. In the year 1945, Secunderabad Municipality was formed. Again in 1950, Hyderabad regained its lost Corporation status along with the amalgamation of Jubilee Hills Municipality.



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Do you want to know What does GHMC mean? What is the full form of GHMC?. Are you looking for What does GHMC mean? What is the full form of GHMC? What is GHMC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of GHMC. The Full Form of GHMC is‍ Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
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