What does HUB mean? What is the full form of HUB?

The Full Form of HUB is Historically Underutilized Business.

“Historically Underutilized Business” means a business enterprise formed for the purpose of making a profit in which at least 51% of all classes of the shares of stock or other equitable securities or assets and interest are owned by one or more persons who: are socially disadvantaged because of their identification as members of certain groups and who have suffered the effects of discriminatory prac- tices over which they have no control, and (b) demonstrate active participa- tion in the control, operation, and management of the enterprise’s affairs.



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Do you want to know What does HUB mean? What is the full form of HUB?. Are you looking for What does HUB mean? What is the full form of HUB? What is HUB stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of HUB. The Full Form of HUB is‍ Historically Underutilized Business
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