What does ICEGATE mean? What is the full form of ICEGATE?

The Full Form of ICEGATE is Indian Customs Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data interchange.

The Indian Customs EDI System (ICES) is now operational at 245 major customs locations handling nearly 98% of India’s International trade in terms of import and export consignments. ICES has two aspects:

  • Internal Automation of the Custom House for a comprehensive, paperless, fully automated customs clearance system that makes the functioning of Customs clearance transparent and efficient.
  • Online, real-time electronic interface with the trade, transport,Banks and regulatory agencies concerned with customs clearance of import and export cargo through ICEGATE.
  • ICES is designed to exchange/transact customs clearance related information electronically using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). A large number of documents that trade, transport and regulatory agencies (collectively called Trading Partners) are required to submit/ receive in the process of live customs clearance are now being processed online.



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Do you want to know What does ICEGATE mean? What is the full form of ICEGATE?. Are you looking for What does ICEGATE mean? What is the full form of ICEGATE? What is ICEGATE stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ICEGATE. The Full Form of ICEGATE is‍ Indian Customs Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data interchange
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