What does NORKA mean? What is the full form of NORKA?

The full form of NORKA is Non-Resident Keralites Affairs. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in India

Non Resident Keralites’ Affairs Department, Government of Kerala is mandated to redress the grievances and safeguard the rights of Keralites’ residing/working outside Kerala within India and outside India. Established in 1996, NORKA has been playing a vital role in the lives of NRKs by extending all sorts of support and assistance in every possible means.

NORKA ROOTS, set up in 2002, is the field agency of NORKA Department. It acts as a nodal agency for all matters relating to the Non-Resident Keralites’ and the mission is to establish a robust and vibrant institutional framework to facilitate and support Government of Kerala  in addressing the NRKs’ grievances, safeguarding their rights, rehabilitating the return emigrants, enabling them to invest in and benefit from the opportunities in Kerala.



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Do you want to know What does NORKA mean? What is the full form of NORKA?. Are you looking for What does NORKA mean? What is the full form of NORKA? What is NORKA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NORKA. The Full Form of NORKA is‍ Non-Resident Keralites Affairs
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