The Full Form of PDG is Président Directeur Général.
In France, Quebec, New Brunswick and Sweden, the président-directeur général (PDG) is the highest ranking officer in a société anonyme (SA) operating under a single-tier board of directors, i.e., without a supervisory board. The président-directeur général combines the functions of chair of the board of directors and chief executive officer (general director, or DG) within the company. The title is usually translated as simply “president” in English-speaking sources.
The PDG carries out his or her duties under the control of the assemblée générale (general assembly), which is composed of the board of directors and the shareholders.
These functions are sometimes performed by two separate individuals, often by one person in smaller companies. This combination of functions allows the PDG to have the widest powers:
The PDG has the power to bind the company vis-à-vis third parties in the interest of the company and within the limit of the company’s charter.
According to a study by the firm Proxinvest, published in 2018, 57.5% of CAC 40 companies are headed by a PDG, against only 10% of companies in the STOXX Europe 600 index. It is therefore a uniquely French executive management style
Président Directeur Général
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