What does SIDCUL mean? What is the full form of SIDCUL?

The Full Form of SIDCUL is‍ State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand Limited.

SIIDCUL, which is a Government of Uttarakhand Enterprise, was incorporated as a Limited Company in the year 2002 with an authorised share capital of Rs. 50 Crores by Government of Uttarakhand. It was established primarily with an objective of providing overall industrial development of the state by developing necessary infrastructure and industrial in the state of Uttarakhand directly or through special purpose vehicles, investments assisted companies etc.

At SIIDCUL,our commitment is towards ‘Ease of Doing Business’ by providing an investor-friendly & transparent mechanism which completely eleminates any physical touch point.A fully automated land allotment process through single window clearance system and our Siidcul Smart City application has been to bring in speed and accountability to the land allotment process and other processes of SIIDCUL.GIS has also been incorporated within the smart city application providing plot status and availability as well as the provisions of infrastructure like road connectivity,water connection,electricity infrastructure and sewerage connection etc of all the industrial estates in an interactive representation equipping investors with reliable information to take informed decisions..

SIIDCUL has developed 7 world Intergarted Industrial Estate (IIEs) facilitating and promoting industrial and economic development.IIEs have industrial,Institutional,commercial and residencial  faclilities incorporated within ensuring access to hospital,schools,banks,malls and hotels. 



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Do you want to know What does SIDCUL mean? What is the full form of SIDCUL?. Are you looking for What does SIDCUL mean? What is the full form of SIDCUL? What is SIDCUL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SIDCUL. The Full Form of SIDCUL is‍ State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand Limited
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