What does VGM mean? What is the full form of VGM?

The Full Form of VGM is Verified Gross Mass.

The Verified Gross Mass or VGM is the combined weight of the container tare weight and weight of all cargo, including all packaging and dunnage.

There are two ways of for defining the VGM: by weighing the packed container or by calculation. I will discuss both of these methods later in this article.

Now the question is why was this regulation introduced at all? What was the need? After all, until 2016, containers were loaded onboard ships without any such weight declaration. Any query regarding the weight of the container could be found from the container markings which includes the Tare Weight and M.G.W (Maximum Operating Gross Weight).

Incorrect weight declarations have resulted in many accidents in the past. Incorrect weight declaration compromises the safe carriage of containers at sea and can put the life of seafarers at risk. Accurate weight declaration is therefore needed to prevent injuries to life and assets.



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Do you want to know What does VGM mean? What is the full form of VGM?. Are you looking for What does VGM mean? What is the full form of VGM? What is VGM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of VGM. The Full Form of VGM is‍ Verified Gross Mass
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