The Distinction Between Per cent and Percent

The Difference Between Per cent and Percent History of the Words The words “per cent” and “percent” both originated from the Latin phrase “per centum,” which means “by the

The Distinction Between People and Persons

The Difference Between People and Persons History: The words “people” and “persons” both have roots in Old English, but they have evolved differently in terms of usage over time. “People”

Understanding the Difference Between People and Person

  People vs. Person The English language can be confusing at times, and two commonly used words that often lead to mix-ups are ‘people’ and ‘person’. While they both refer to individuals, there

Peal vs. Peel: Understanding the Difference

Peal vs. Peel: Understanding the Difference The English language is full of words that look or sound similar but have completely different meanings. Two such words that often cause confusion are “peal” and


谓语动词有3大作用 1,表示动作的时间(时): 现在present,过去past,将来future,在过去某个时间点算将来(过去将来)Past Future 2,表示动作的状态(体):没有说明时间(一般状态)simple,完成perfect,正在进行continuous/ progressive,不但完成了并且还在继续(完成进行)Perfect Continuous 以上两者合在一起称为:时间(tense)


很多人认为说英语只要把单词发准了,再模仿一下美国人说话的调调就可以了, 这是不够的 还有一个很重要的东西:节奏(rhythm) 节奏没有把握好,是说不好英语的最最重要的原因 可能你会觉得,节奏有什么关系,每个单词读好,再把单词连在一起读不就可以 了吗? 错 语言的等时性(isochrony) 普通话: 每个字是一个音节,一个音节接一个音节读就行了 所以: 普通话的每一个音节的时间基本相等 (音节等时)(和法法相似)


《有一天》是《纽约时报》畅销书榜首绘本。讲述了父母与孩子之间的情感,是一本令人动容的亲子读物。 常常会有时光转瞬即逝的感觉,尤其是当看着自己的孩子熟睡的侧脸,仿佛上一秒他还在自己的怀里呢喃,下一刻却就要离家远航。而总有一天,他也会如自己这般,深情地凝望着孩子的睡脸,也许到那一天,他终将懂得此刻你的心情。 一本诗一样的绘本《有一天》,送给所有的孩子和父母。 Someday 有一天 by Alison Mcghee / Peter H.

Fun stats about Youtube.

Fun stats about Youtube.
73% of US adults use YouTube. 62% of YouTube users are Males. 78% of US men adults use YouTube. 68% of US women adults use YouTube. 81% of 15–25 year-olds in the US use YouTube. More than 15% of YouTube’s site traffic comes

English Words Beginning with E

each other eager eagerly eagerness eagle eagle-eyed ear earache eardrum earlobe early earmark earmuffs earn earnest earnestly earnestness earnings earphones earplug earring earshot earsplitting Earth earth earthiness earthly