這三個詞彙 “maniac”, “maniacal”, 和 “manic” 都起源於希臘文,與精神紊亂或異常有關。具體來說,”maniac” 源自希臘語 “manikos”,意思是瘋狂的,異常的。”maniacal” 是從 “maniac” 衍生而來,表示瘋狂的或瘋狂的性格。”manic” 源自於 “mania”,意思是狂熱或躁狂症。
- He was a maniac when it came to cleanliness. 他在清潔方面是個瘋子。
- The serial killer was described as a maniac by the police. 連環殺手被警察形容為一個瘋子。
- That driver is a maniac; he’s speeding recklessly. 那個司機是個瘋子;他在魯莽的超速。
- She’s a maniac when it comes to shopping. 她在購物方面是個瘋子。
- Don’t be a maniac; follow the rules. 別當個瘋子;遵守規則。
“Maniacal” 是 “maniac” 的形容詞形式,用來描述某人的行為或特質是瘋狂的,或者是帶有瘋狂性格的。
- He let out a maniacal laugh that sent chills down my spine. 他發出了一陣瘋狂的笑聲,使我感到一陣寒意。
- The villain had a maniacal glint in his eyes. 反派的眼中閃爍著瘋狂的光芒。
- There was a maniacal edge to his speech. 他的演講帶有瘋狂的邊緣。
- Her maniacal behavior scared everyone around her. 她瘋狂的行為嚇到了周圍的每個人。
- The invention had a maniacal genius behind it. 這項發明背後有一個瘋狂的天才。
- He was going through a manic phase and couldn’t sleep. 他正經歷著躁狂期,無法入睡。
- Her manic energy kept her working for hours. 她的躁狂能量使她工作了好幾個小時。
- The manic crowd cheered loudly at the concert. 躁狂的人群在音樂會上大聲歡呼。
- A manic frenzy took over the stock market. 股市陷入了一場躁狂的狂熱中。
- His writing style had a manic intensity to it. 他的寫作風格帶有一種躁狂的激烈。
- Maniac:名詞,形容瘋狂的人,想像一個瘋子。
- Maniacal:形容詞,描述瘋狂的行為或特質,想像瘋子的性質。
- Manic:形容詞,多用於情緒上下極端,想像情緒上的躁狂。
“Maniac” 是一個形容瘋狂的人或行為的名詞,”maniacal” 是一個形容其行為或性質瘋狂的形容詞,而 “manic” 則是用於描述情緒低落或極端興奮的形容詞。記住這些區別可以幫助你在不同情境中正確地使用這些詞語。
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