Lend 和 Loan的區別

March 21, 2022


英語中有很多詞是指借用商品和金錢。適用於此上下文的兩個最常見的詞是 Loan 和 Lend。他們的意思是一樣的嗎?或者,是否有特定的情況,其中一種或另一種更合適?


## Loan 和 Lend 有什麼區別?

在本文中,我將比較 Loan 與 Lend。我將在一個例句中使用每個單詞來展示其正確的上下文和含義。

另外,我將揭示一個有用的助記符,它可以幫助您記住 Loan 或 Lend 是否是您寫作的正確選擇。

## 何時使用 Loan

Loan 是什麼意思? Loan 是一個名詞,表示某人借出的東西,期望得到回報。

* I asked the bank for a loan to start a bakery, but I did not have any collateral.
* “What will happen if I cannot repay my student loan?” the freshman asked.
* “Consider the motorcycle a long-term loan,” said Chet. “Keep it safe for me while I’m in Spain.”
* Auto lenders are scaling back loans to subprime borrowers but loosening other terms in a bid to keep loan volume going. –The Wall Street Journal

要查看 Loan 是否可以是動詞,請繼續閱讀。

## 何時使用 Lend

Lend 是什麼意思? Lend 是一個動詞,意思是允許某人使用某物並期望它會被返回。


* “I would lend Bryan my tools, because I know that he will return them,” said Gary.
* If you lend money to your family members, be prepared for subsequent conversations about why they haven’t given it back yet.
* You should never lend money that you do not have.

Lend 也用於比喻性地表示建議或添加,特別是在提及外觀或品質時。


* Wearing an elegant watch can lend a touch of formality to your appearance.
* Experience with death does not lend wisdom to physicians any more than to undertakers. –Bernard Lown
* My hope is that the perspective I lend here can help the brave participants, and you, to transcend the diet mentality and land on a way of eating, a lifestyle, that is ultimately sustainable and satisfying beyond this month-long challenge. –The Washington Post

在這個比喻意義上,Lend,只有 Lend,是正確的選擇。

## Lend 與 Loan:主要區別

這兩個詞之間的混淆在於 Loan 是否可以用作動詞。



風格指南在 Loan 是否可以用作動詞方面有所不同。

加納的現代美式英語和芝加哥風格手冊指出,Loan 在處理金錢時只能用作動詞(區別於借東西、汽車、盤子、書籍等)。

* The bank would not loan me the money.
* The bank would not lend me the money.



* Will you lend me your car?


* Will you loan me your car?

AP Stylebook 更喜歡傳統的用法。

* Loan 是名詞。
* Lend 是動詞。

最終,Loan 正在被完全接受為動詞——除了比喻意義(見下文)。但是,與此同時,堅持 Lend 和 Loan 之間的傳統區別是明智的——至少在你的專業寫作中是這樣。

最後一點:如上一節所述,Lend 的比喻意義不能用動詞 Loan 代替。


* Experience with death does not lend wisdom to physicians any more than to undertakers.


* Experience with death does not loan wisdom to physicians any more than to undertakers.

## 記住差異的技巧

Lend 和 Loan 指代相似的概念。但是,在嚴格的用法中,Lend 是動詞,而 Loan 是名詞。

為了幫助您記住這一點,請記住 Lend 是用字母 E 拼寫的,就像單詞動詞一樣。同樣,Loan 用字母 O 拼寫,就像名詞一樣。

## 概括

是 Lend 還是 Loan? Lend 和 Loan 指代相似的概念,但它們是不同的詞性。

* Lend 是動詞。
* Loan 是名詞。

雖然 Loan 有時也作為動詞出現,但這種用法還沒有被完全接受。在正式寫作中,您應該只將 Loan 用作名詞。

由於 Lend 和動詞都用字母 E 拼寫,而 Loan 和名詞都用字母 O 拼寫,所以你應該很容易記住何時使用這些詞。
