單詞 Loathe 和 Loath 是兩個看起來相似的單詞的好例子,它們在寫作中會讓人感到困惑。它們之間只有一個字母,兩個詞都沒有經常使用,所以很容易忘記它們之間的區別。
今天,我想回顧一下 Loathe 與 Loath,它們的定義和功能,並為您提供一些技巧,以使這些詞彼此分開。讓我們開始吧。
Loathe 和 Loath 都具有相似的起源,來自日耳曼語的古英語。 Loathe 來自單詞 laðian,意思是憎恨、厭惡,而 Loath 來自單詞 lað,意思是敵對或惡意。
隨著時間的推移,Loathe 幾乎保留了其原始定義,但對於 Loath 則不能這樣說。
Loathe 是什麼意思? Loathe 是及物動詞,表示它帶有賓語。
每當您在句子中看到單詞 Loathe 時,都希望在附近某處看到直接對象。 Loathe 的定義是對某人或某事感到強烈的厭惡或厭惡。
* I loathe reality television.
* At the beginning of each week, I am reminded of how much I loathe Monday mornings.
* I loved my time at university but loathed what the institution stood for.
* But whether you like or loathe Farage, the beer-swilling politician has made an indelible mark on British politics. –The Washington Post
如您所見,Loathe 表示厭惡或厭惡。然而,Loath 具有非常不同的含義。
Loath 是什麼意思? Loath,有時(很少)拼寫為loth,是一個形容詞,這意味著它修飾名詞和代詞。 Loath被定義為不情願或不情願、不情願。
* The coach seemed loath to complimenting his players, fearing it would fuel their egos.
* The young man was loath to purchase the same car that his 60-year-old father might be driving.
* I was loath to leave the party because it was so much fun.
* The chain had been loath to offer the type of loyalty program common in the restaurant industry, but recently introduced one for the first time to reward customers who visit frequently each month. –The Wall Street Journal
如您所見,使用 Loath 是與 Loathe 非常不同的上下文。
如果你 loathe something,你是討厭它。
Loathe 如何發音:Loathe 有一個完整的濁音 th,並與動詞 to clothe 押韻。
您可以記住 Loathe 是動詞,因為它以 t-h-e 結尾,動詞breathe, bathe, teethe, and clothe也是如此。如果您記得使用此記憶技巧,您將能夠消除 Loath 作為句子中的競爭者。
是 Loathe 還是 Loath?跟踪 Loath 與 Loathe 很重要,因為它們在句子結構中都有不同的含義和不同的用途。
Loathe 是動詞,表示厭惡或不喜歡。
Loath 是形容詞,表示不情願或不情願。
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