Have high ideals. Make it your aim to rise above wordy things.
We owe this proverb to Ralph Waldo Emerson, the American philosopher. Here is
a condensed version of what he wrote:
> Everything good in man leans on is higher. All our strength and success in
the work of our hands depend on our borrowing the aid of the elements … I
admire the skill which, on the sea-shore, makes the tides drive wheels and
grind corn, and which thus engages the assistance of the moon, like a hired
hand. Now that is the wisdom of a man, in every instance of his labor, to
hitch his wagon to a star, and his chore done by the gods themselves … Hitch
your wagon to a star. Let us not flag in paltry works which serve our pot and
bag alone … Work rather for those interests which the divinities honor and
promote –justice, love, freedom, knowledge, utility.
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