What is the meaning of [Who is worse shod than shoemaker’s wife?]

The shoemaker is so anxious to make every penny he can out of his trade that
he even denies his wife a new pair of shoes. Some other husbands tend to be
equally selfish. As the other proverb says: The shoemaker’s children go

> But who is wurs shod, than the shoemakers wyfe, With shops full of newe
shapen shoes all hir lyfe?
> [1546 J. Heywood Dialogue of Proverbs i. xi. E1V]

> The Shoe-maker’s wife often goes in ragged shoes. ‥ Although there had been
a [Methodist] Society begun here by Mr. Whitfield, yet‥the people of
Gloucester are not much the better for having had so great a Prophet born
amongst them.
> [1773 R. Graves Spiritual Quixote I. iii. ii.]