What does SWL mean? What is the full form of SWL?

1, The full form of SWL is Safe Working Load. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Engineering in Worldwide

Safe Working Load (SWL) is the maximum weight a crane, rope or similar lifting device can support. It is usually marked on the equipment by the manufacturer.

2, The full form of SWL is Shortwave Listening. It’s used on News & Entertainment ,News & Informations in Worldwide

Shortwave Listening (SWL) is the hobby of listening to shortwave radio broadcasts.

3, The full form of SWL is Sound Power Level. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Physics in Worldwide

Sound Power Level (SWL) is a measure of sound power.

4, The full form of SWL is Swale. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Railway Station Codes in United Kingdom

Swale (station code: SWL) is a railway station is in north Kent, England, United Kingdom.

5, The full form of SWL is Stillwater–Westport Line. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Rail Transport in New Zealand

Stillwater Ngakawau Line (SNL), formerly known as the Stillwater–Westport Line (SWL), is a railway line in New Zeland.

6, The full form of SWL is Socialist Workers League. It’s used on Governmental ,Politics in Israel

Socialist Workers League (SWL) was a political organization in Israel.



Safe Working Loadhow to pronounce Safe Working Load

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Shortwave Listeninghow to pronounce Shortwave Listening

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Sound Power Levelhow to pronounce Sound Power Level

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Swalehow to pronounce Swale

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Stillwater–Westport Linehow to pronounce Stillwater–Westport Line

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Socialist Workers Leaguehow to pronounce Socialist Workers League

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Do you want to know What does SWL mean? What is the full form of SWL?. Are you looking for What does SWL mean? What is the full form of SWL? What is SWL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SWL. The Full Form of SWL is‍ Safe Working Load, Shortwave Listening, Sound Power Level, Swale, Stillwater–Westport Line, Socialist Workers League
You also might want to know: how to pronounce SWL, how to pronounce Safe Working Load, how to pronounce Shortwave Listening, how to pronounce Sound Power Level, how to pronounce Swale, how to pronounce Stillwater–Westport Line, how to pronounce Socialist Workers League,
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What does SWL mean? What is the full form of SWL?
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