What does FABM mean? What is the full form of FABM?

The full form of FABM is Food and Agri Business Management.

During the Food & Agribusiness Management degree, you’ll learn how the principles of economics and business management apply to farming, food production and marketing. You’ll gain an understanding of how the Irish and international food systems deliver food products and services that people want, and how farmers and food manufacturers can produce profitably, while also taking care of the natural environment. The four-year degree provides a unique opportunity to understand both business and science, focusing on the agri-food sector – Ireland’s largest indigenous industry. You’ll learn skills that can be used across a wide range of jobs both within and outside the agri-food sector.

Food and Agribusiness Marketing and Management applies marketing, management, sales and business concepts to the food and fiber industry. Students gain sound business training across two University of Delaware colleges. We begin with basic business principles, accounting and marketing coursework and then focus of food marketing, human resource management, strategic selling and buyer communication, economics of biotechnology, international trade, management of a new business, food retailing and buyer behavior. You will explore the food market system from the farm to consumer and learn to market food commodities from cereal and produce to Perdue chicken. We also make sure you are confident working with data, performing statistical analysis, understanding consumer experiments and developing surveys.

Why major in Food and Agribusiness Marketing and Management?

Food and fiber industries constitute approximately 16 percent of the U.S. economy with a value of over $2.5 trillion and 20 million jobs. The production of food is only a small part of this total, with most of the effort, resources and jobs involved in creating and marketing products to consumers. Our major focuses on the unique aspects of these industries, including food marketing, management and leadership, and entrepreneurship. Not only will you obtain a strong background in business principles, but you will also graduate with the knowledge of how the agribusiness sector operates and impacts domestic and world economies. The job market is hungry for students well trained in business, but who also understand the unique nature and dynamics of the food and fiber industry. In fact, agricultural economics related majors rank second in employability among all college majors, according to USA Today



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