What does TEDDY mean? What is the full form of TEDDY?

1, The full form of TEDDY is The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Research & Development in Worldwide

The TEDDY study – he nvironmental eterminants of iabetes in the oung – is looking for the causes of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM).  T1DM used to be called childhood diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes. T1DM occurs when special cells in the body, called the beta cells of the pancreas, are destroyed by the body’s infection fighting cells, called immune cells.  When these beta cells are destroyed, the body cannot make the chemical insulin.  Insulin is needed for the body to use food. Insulin helps keep the sugar level in the blood normal.  If there is no insulin in the body, the sugar in the blood becomes high and this makes someone sick.  Children with type 1 diabetes must take insulin shots and monitor their blood sugar levels several times a day to stay alive and healthy.

Research tells us that children who get diabetes have certain kind of genes. Other children who have these genes are at higher risk for getting diabetes. However, not all children who are higher risk get diabetes.  We think that something happens that “triggers” or causes a child with higher risk genes to actually get diabetes. It is the purpose of this study to try and find out what are the triggers that cause children to get diabetes.

2, The full form of TEDDY is TERI Energy Data Directory & Yearbook. It’s used on News & Entertainment ,Journals & Publications in India

TERI Energy & Environment Data Diary and Yearbook (TEDDY) is an annual publication brought out by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) since 1986 which presents state of art information on energy supply, energy demand and environment. The data in TEDDY is compiled from various government sources, policy documents and other secondary data. The data in the yearbook provides the latest available information at the time of compilation of the chapters. Each edition of TEDDY contains India’s commercial energy balances that provide comprehensive information on energy flows within different sectors in the economy. TEDDY is a well referenced document and is often cited in government policy documents and scholarly articles. It is envisaged that TEDDY in future could become a periodic source for a discussion on energy and environment goals.



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Do you want to know What does TEDDY mean? What is the full form of TEDDY?. Are you looking for What does TEDDY mean? What is the full form of TEDDY? What is TEDDY stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TEDDY. The Full Form of TEDDY is‍ The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young, TERI Energy Data Directory & Yearbook
You also might want to know: how to pronounce TEDDY, how to pronounce The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young, how to pronounce TERI Energy Data Directory & Yearbook,
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