What does SHSVS mean? What is the full form of SHSVS?

The Full Form of SHSVS is Smart Hybrid Vehicle by Suzuki.

Smart Hybrid Technology. Smart Hybrid is an advanced technology that helps increase fuel efficiency and enhances driving performance. 

The Smart Hybrid Vehicle System (SHVS) involves a large starter motor. This starter Motor functions as a normal starter motor while cranking the engine. During braking, the circuit is altered to make the same starter motor to act as a generator. The power losses during the braking are hence regenerated and stored in a battery. This power can later be used, either for auxiliary systems or to generate extra torque while accelerating. The extra torque delivery is through the same starter motor.



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Do you want to know What does SHSVS mean? What is the full form of SHSVS?. Are you looking for What does SHSVS mean? What is the full form of SHSVS? What is SHSVS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SHSVS. The Full Form of SHSVS is‍ Smart Hybrid Vehicle by Suzuki
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What does SHSVS mean? What is the full form of SHSVS?
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