What does SWG mean? What is the full form of SWG?

The Full Form of SWG is Standard wire gauge.

British Standard Wire Gauge is a set of wire sizes given by BS 3737:1964 (now withdrawn), and is generally abbreviated to SWG. It is also known as: Imperial Wire Gauge or British Standard Gauge. Use of SWG sizes has fallen greatly in popularity, but is still used as a measure of thickness in guitar strings and some electrical wire. Cross sectional area in square millimetres is now the more usual size measurement for wires used in electrical installation cables. The current British Standard for metallic materials such as wire and sheet is BS 6722:1986, which is a solely metric standard.



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Do you want to know What does SWG mean? What is the full form of SWG?. Are you looking for What does SWG mean? What is the full form of SWG? What is SWG stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SWG. The Full Form of SWG is‍ Standard wire gauge
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